Friday, June 25, 2010

The Power of Homeopathy and Energy Work in These Emerging of Self Times

Here is the mp3 of the June 24th Monthly METAtelecall with Tantra Maat and Dr. Kate Smith. When we are informed we can comprehend what is occurring much more powerfully than when we are at the effect of what we do not know. Tantra Maat
June Monthly Telecall with Tantra Maat & Dr Kate Smith

1 comment:

  1. I'm so sorry I wasn't on the call. We had 70 mph winds that knocked out our power and then I went away, so I forgot all about it. So glad I had the opportunity to listen to it now. I can't believe how in line it is with what I am going through and the book I just finished, "Healing Back Pain, The Mind-Body Connection" by John Sarno, M.D. Dr. Kate is probably the next step I need to take. Thank you for bringing this free call to us and introducing Dr. Kate in this way. xo ~Colleen
