Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Glenn's VAHS METAtech June 21st 2010 Monthly Telecall

Here is the recording of Glenn's VAHS METAtech June 21st 2010 Monthly Telecall


METApoints’ ‘LANGUAGE OF UNITY’ and our unique METAtech technology are METAtechnologies. Together these technologies make a powerful impact on your ability to be in the world free, capable and fully self-expressed. These technologies are “meta” because they leverage the metapoints, or meeting places, of different aspects of your being toward the ‘enwholement’ of your entire system.

We at METApoints honor technologies that support you in your ability to work with yourself effectively, discovering within yourself your own innate capabilities and skills to lead an extraordinary LIFE! We are vigilant in that support and commitment. We are one of the providers of what connects you to life and has you exist as whole.

Voice Analysis Hydration System (VAHS)

Sound-Empowered Self Healing, Energy Balancing, Deep Cleansing, Cellular Hydration

METAsound Technology (MST) is a unique, two-part system utilizing cutting edge sound technology and structured water technology to constructively affect mental capacity as well as emotional and physical well being. METAsound Technology transforms what can’t be reached through traditional healing modalities within both the physical system and the unconscious mind. MST deconstructs unhealthy thought patterns in the unconscious and subconscious mind, re-patterning the brain and body, bringing everything into balance.

Part One:

Utilization of the sound technology begins with a simple recording of your own voice which can be done in person or remotely over the Internet. The sound of your voice contains all of who you are in the form of vibration, and is considered your vibrational fingerprint. The technology then analyzes the various frequencies of your voice and provides a series of healing tones which are designed to bring your entire Being into resonance. If your appointment is in person, your ultra stress-releasing healing session will include listening to these healing tones as they come through the technology in real time. A personalized CD will be created during in-person sessions, as well as for remote sessions, to empower you to construct the new vibration within your system on a daily basis.

Harnessing the Power of Intention:

Remarkably, this technology has the capacity to detect the essence of intention in your voice: indirectly within a simple voice recording using vowel sounds or directly as a precisely crafted intention. This empowers you to work with your specific personal cravings/desires, harnessing the power of intention.

Part Two:

The second part of this system includes the personalizedimprinting of water with the unique healing tones created from your voice analysis. This special water, made just for you, supports your cells to receive and maintain the newly introduced coherence within the body and energy field. This structured, personally-imprinted water is one of the purest, most effective ways to detoxify and hydrate the body on a cellular level.



Voice analysis, including a personal intention recording

Experience personal healing tones through METAsound Technology

Personalized 32-minute CD

Two 16 oz. bottles of personally-imprinted water that will create many gallons of structured water when mixed with distilled water as directed.

60 minutes – $97.00

REMOTE METAsound SESSION includes:

Through the connectivity of the Internet, you can have your voice intention sample captured and analyzed, no matter where you live!

Voice Analysis, including a personal intention recording

We provide a microphone (a one-time purchase to be used for ongoing sessions) sufficient to capture a quality voice sample.

$28 which includes shipping [A microphone may be purchased locally. Please call 530.863.3813 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 530.863.3813 end_of_the_skype_highlighting for brand and model number.]

Personal 32 min. CD

Two 16 oz. bottles of personally imprinted water that will create many gallons of structured water when mixed with distilled water as directed.

$47.00 includes shipping cost for water within the Continental US & Canada.


We are available for your group or organization to record a group intention statement, sample the structured water, and listen to the METAtones of your group CD. Please call Glenn Sterling @ 530.863.3813 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 530.863.3813 end_of_the_skype_highlighting to discuss your needs.

TO MAKE YOUR APPOINTMENT or for more information:

Please email Glenn Sterling at glennsterling2005@yahoo.com or call him at 530.863.3813 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 530.863.3813 end_of_the_skype_highlighting.


My experience with the VAHS has been truly amazing! As I listen to the CD, I contemplate on the intention that I used to create it. Each intention that I have created has been manifested … listening to the CD. The key, I believe, is to listen to the CD every day or at least every other day. Consistent listening keeps the mind and body in a high vibrational state which creates a state of calm and peacefulness within. When anxiety or fear creep back into my mind, I listen to the CD and a feeling of centeredness returns. Listening to my CD has become a daily ritual in my life with the most amazing rewards.” S.B.

“I have come to have a new sense of freedom in my life as the deepest patterns of shame from sexual and physical abuse have finally begun to loosen their hold on me. At the age of 60, I am becoming a grown man. I no longer react so automatically to certain situations. I have relaxed from the deep fear that has clutched my mind for so long. There is still work to be done. I want to be totally free of the past.” M.A.


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