Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Deb's May Monthly METAtelecall 5.3.10

Deb's May Monthly METAtelecall MP3

Tantra’s monthly METAtelecall at the end of April was a beautiful mystic, mythic journey shifting our stories from the script imposed on our lives into the script we want to and can tell ourselves and the world. I urge you to listen to that telecall again, for its own value for you and as a lead-in to this call. I felt very compelled to read you some ”bedtime stories” in my METAtelecall of Monday, May 3. I felt guided to do this to demonstrate scripting we were born into, so you could gain additional awareness of the story you were given compared to stories of who you are as an expanded Being resting in your integral, full connection to the greater Whole of which you are a vital part. Thus you can gain additional insight into how you might rewrite your story.

I referenced work by Neil Douglas-Klotz, psychologist who is also a leader in spirituality and designing peace in the world. One participant on my call who is also from the Columbus, Ohio area, stated that he leads yearly workshops here in Columbus. From that, and others’ interests in getting the book I read from, I said I’d provide his website. It is: . “Abwoon” is an Aramaic word for the power of the universe (which also means each of us) to give birth to new life every moment. That is an aspect of how creation operates, that is part of life/our worlds coming to its next greater whole each moment, which is also an aspect of unity consciousness.

Thank you all for joining me. I look forward to ongoing connections with you.

Love Deb

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