Thursday, August 5, 2010

Deb's August METAtelecall: Service 8.2.10

Deb's August METAtelecall MP3 8.2.10

Just a reminder, these recordings are available to everyone who wants them, so it's not necessary for you to register for the call if you are not going to be on the call. Your presence on the call is cherished. Your value on the calls is huge. You contribute your wisdom and energy, even if you do not speak. It is different if you just listen to the calls sometime later, from a place of not being clear of your importance and contribution. If you listen actively, knowing your importance to the field, knowing this is a moment of being connected to life, to what has you live as whole, then you are actively contributing. Your presence calls out what wants to be said. It is not that Tantra or I are so brilliant. Well, we are, but it is your brilliance that makes the calls what they are far more than ours. Our work is designed to be response-based, it calls us to be response-able to the field and to you. Your presence on the calls generates the response, feeds and energizes the field, and is your response to staking a claim to what connects you to life and has you live as whole.

We realize that many people cannot get on the METAtelecalls due to schedule conflicts, time zone differences, etc. We know you all are the front lines strengthening the living reality of unity based consciousness in a wide range of ways. You may be just beginning to know yourself this way. Every one of you is service personified in unique, individuated ways. These calls are designed to honor you, nourish you, and provide for you. So, if you cannot be on the call and will be accessing the recordings, please actively participate by sending in questions, comments, quotes, or even just your name so you are with us when we presence what wants to be said into the field. Then register for the call if you are actually going to be on it.

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