Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Glenn's MetaSoundTech Call Dec 14th

This was my first introductory conference call for the Meta Sound Healing technology. I want to thank everyone who attended for their most generous listening. Particularly Thanks to Sue Burnham, who has had really fantastic results from her sessions, and who presenced a strong and personal testimonial for the system. The call was fun and a great learning experience for me.

Click here to hear the call: http://metapoints.audioacrobat.com/download/MetaSoundTech12142009.mp3

It's well worth noting that Sue has been very rigorous in her practice with the Meta Sound Scalar Wave System, faithfully listening to her CD of tones and drinking her structured water daily. It works as you work it.

I emphasized that the Scalar Wave's ability to break up unconscious patterns that all of us have internalized hinges on the Truth that at the source of unconscious patterns is a Lie. Not a conscious lie, more like a decision to hold the world a certain way in the face of what happened to us at different stages of our lives and especially as children. This lie, or untruth carries a very different vibration, a slower one, tied in with the identities past based, wanting to keep itself in a safe, and static, in a recognizable, familiar world. This is the energy of survival; helpful in avoiding, failure, shame, the pain of a remembered event and yet stifling to our divine impulse to create our selves as an integral, connected part of the great living whole. This old vibration, stored in your brain, cannot survive the entrainment of the higher, balanced energy of the Sound Tones and structured water.

As you move out of past based limited thinking, one way to know the MetaSound System is working is to Observe new possibilities, new thoughts, new MetaStates of Reality appearing in your life.

What is it I crave? What is it I would Create? How is this to be Sustained and Maintained? What new awareness have I observed? What am I present to? What has opened up for me? What am I having in this Life?

Welcome to the world of Metapoints: choose to become a conscious creator of your life through powerful tools and practices including the Language of Unity Templates, Consults,and the New MetaSound Healing Technology.

Blessings on the Path,

Glenn Sterling

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